Social Platform is the largest platform of European rights and value-­‐based NGOs working in the social sector. We want to promote social justice, equality and participatory democracy by voicing the concerns of member organisations. Through our democratic structure, we aim at the full participation of members in a transparent manner that respects their diversity. 

Social Platform’s work requires multiple ways of engaging with members. When implementing the strategic objectives our work is organised around four main activities:

  • Building co-operation among members through the exchange of expertise and capacity building
  • Supporting members in developing joint campaigns on specific issues
  • Supporting members’ campaigns on cross cutting issues
  • Ensuring access to decision makers for members on common policy issues
  • Leading the advocacy on strategic common issues through influencing EU policies and legislation

Our areas of work: Campaigns, Civil Dialogue, Emplyment, Inclusion, Rights and Social and Health Services, Social Justice

Social Platform seeks to bring added value to the work of members. Through our democratic structure, we aim at the full participation of members in a transparent manner that respects their diversity. 

Social Platform’s work requires multiple ways of engaging with members. When implementing the strategic objectives our work is organised around four main activities: 

  • Building co-operation among members through the exchange of expertise and capacity building
  • Supporting members in developing joint campaigns on specific issues
  • Supporting members’ campaigns on cross cutting issues
  • Ensuring access to decision makers for members on common policy issues
  • Leading the advocacy on strategic common issues through influencing EU policies and legislation 

– See more at:

Social Platform seeks to bring added value to the work of members. Through our democratic structure, we aim at the full participation of members in a transparent manner that respects their diversity. 

Social Platform’s work requires multiple ways of engaging with members. When implementing the strategic objectives our work is organised around four main activities: 

  • Building co-operation among members through the exchange of expertise and capacity building
  • Supporting members in developing joint campaigns on specific issues
  • Supporting members’ campaigns on cross cutting issues
  • Ensuring access to decision makers for members on common policy issues
  • Leading the advocacy on strategic common issues through influencing EU policies and legislation 

– See more at:

Social Platform seeks to bring added value to the work of members. Through our democratic structure, we aim at the full participation of members in a transparent manner that respects their diversity. 

Social Platform’s work requires multiple ways of engaging with members. When implementing the strategic objectives our work is organised around four main activities: 

  • Building co-operation among members through the exchange of expertise and capacity building
  • Supporting members in developing joint campaigns on specific issues
  • Supporting members’ campaigns on cross cutting issues
  • Ensuring access to decision makers for members on common policy issues
  • Leading the advocacy on strategic common issues through influencing EU policies and legislation 

– See more at:

Partner News

Social Platform will make a contribution to the informal EPSCO Council in  July 2014. It is relevant to all TSI themes – definition, enabling factors framework bridging from EU to national, impact measurement.

Second chapter Maximising the potential of social economy and social enterprises

Pages 6 to 11 in the document below: