Country: Austria

TSI National Report No. 3: Third sector barriers in Austria

The public sector plays an important role for the Austrian third sector, influencing organizational, financial and personnel structures. Advocacy groups are deeply involved in political decision-making processes. Two special features arise from the close relationship to politics for TSOs in Austria: those organisations that participate in political decision-making often find it easier to acquire public […]

Fundraising Verband Austria

The Austrian Fundraising Association (Fundraising Verband Austria – FVA) functions as a service provider for the fundraising arm of NGOs, agencies, as well as non-profit consultants. Due to its almost 250 members the FVA became the biggest platform for fundraisers and non-profit organisations in Austria. As a service and networking platform the FVA has established […]

Bundesdachverband für Soziale Unternehmen (bdv austria)

Bundesdachverband für Soziale Unternehmen (Association of Social Enterprises Austria – bdv austria) is an association of social enterprises, which has served Austria nationwide as an umbrella organisation for more than 25 years. Altogether the network consists of 200 organisations, which provide work for about 35.000 persons each year. It functions as a network, for non-profit […]

Interessenvertretung Gemeinnütziger Organisationen – IGO

IGO is a pressure group of currently 43 NGOs in Austria. Members are the national branches of large international organizations like Amnesty International, MSF or WWF, but also smaller ones of only national or local importance. IGO takes up their common needs and interests and develops strategies to improve the framework conditions for their work. […]

Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz

The Austrain Red Cross is a registered private organization/association based on the ideal of selfless charity and motivated by non-profit thinking. It is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Activities include Ambulance and Rescue Service, First Aid and Training Services, International Aid, Disaster Relief, Health and Social Services, Blood Programme, Humanitarian […]
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