Country: The Netherlands

Celebrate advocacy succes with Dutch TSI stakeholder iederIN

On 14 July 2016, the  UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will come into  force in the Netherlands. The declaration is an international human rights treaty of the United Nations intended to protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. Parties to the Convention are required to promote, protect, and ensure […]

BARRIERS – Policy recommendations to remove third sector barriers in the Netherlands

On the basis of a survey and a stakeholder meeting organized in March 2016, the Dutch TSI team formulated a number of policy recommendations to address the challenges experienced by TSOs in the Netherlands. We are inviting you to review our recommendations and give us your feedback. For background reading please refer to the national […]

TSI Policy Brief No. 8: The third sector in the Netherlands

The third sector in the Netherlands is extraordinarily diverse and defies easy categorization, but it roughly consists of three parts that overlap: Third sector organisations that deliver public services: These include most organisations in social services, health and education. Their development is closely tied to that of the public sector at large and the welfare […]

TSI National Report No. 2: Barriers to third sector development in The Netherlands

The third sector in the Netherlands is extraordinarily diverse and defies easy categorization. It comprises a broad variety of different organisations, ranging from neighbourhood initiatives to professionalized umbrella organisations, and from civic associations, advocacy networks to charity foundations. Dutch third sector organisations are active and highly visible in various policy fields, especially in health and […]

TSI at Rural Isolation of Citizens in Europe conference

Despite their demographic and economic importance, rural regions lag behind in a number of socio-economic indicators. Inhabitants are often at higher risk of poverty, face difficulties in accessing infrastructure and public services, and display lower levels of employment, income, educational attainment. Rural isolation refers not only to social, labour and educational exclusion, but also to […]
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