Country: United Kingdom

First national briefing on third sector barriers: Policy development in the UK

Read the first TSI Barriers Briefing prepared by TSI partner institutions Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC) and the University of Kent (SSPSSSR and PSSRU) and a second paper that moves towards a more nuanced account of the barriers third sector organisations are facing in their attemots to to achieving impact.

TSI National Report No. 1: Third sector barriers in the UK

English third sector experts from the worlds of practice and academia met on 23 February 2016 in London as part of the process of involving national stakeholders in the implementation of the TSI research project. The purposes of the meeting were: (1) to review Draft Policy Briefings reports, summarising (a) the findings from Workpackage 5 […]

TSI National Report No. 1: Towards a more nuanced understanding of barriers and constraints in English third sector

The analysis reported here, undertaken collaboratively between the Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC) and the University of Kent (SSPSSSR and PSSRU) in the UK, builds upon the ‘barriers to impact’ component of the EU Third Sector Impact (TSI) study led by the University of Kent. By combining data holdings at TSRC with results from the TSI […]

TSI Policy Brief No. 3: English Third Sector Policy in 2015

In recent decades, the third sector (which includes charities and social enterprises) in the UK and abroad has received heightened policy interest as awareness of the limits of market and state-dominated approaches to social problem solving grows. In the UK case, this has involved a slow-motion rollercoaster of change. Initially the sector was embraced under […]

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