
TSI National Report No. 5: Identifying External and Internal Barriers to Third Sector Development in Croatia

The third sector is still rather unknown to policy-makers and the wider public in Croatia, while the professional community is becoming aware of the concept. There is a significant overlap between the terms in case of their legal forms, where the distinctiveness is not always clear. Also, there is an overlap in public discourse between […]

TSI National Report No. 4: Challenges for the third sector in France

The notion of third sector is little discussed in France compared to other national contexts. The most commonly used concept is the one of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), which, however, includes most entities described as in-scope by TSIs definition of the third sector. SSE accounts for more than 10% of the total employment in […]

TSI National Report No. 3: Third sector barriers in Austria

The public sector plays an important role for the Austrian third sector, influencing organizational, financial and personnel structures. Advocacy groups are deeply involved in political decision-making processes. Two special features arise from the close relationship to politics for TSOs in Austria: those organisations that participate in political decision-making often find it easier to acquire public […]

TSI National Report No. 2: Barriers to third sector development in The Netherlands

The third sector in the Netherlands is extraordinarily diverse and defies easy categorization. It comprises a broad variety of different organisations, ranging from neighbourhood initiatives to professionalized umbrella organisations, and from civic associations, advocacy networks to charity foundations. Dutch third sector organisations are active and highly visible in various policy fields, especially in health and […]

TSI National Report No. 1: Towards a more nuanced understanding of barriers and constraints in English third sector

The analysis reported here, undertaken collaboratively between the Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC) and the University of Kent (SSPSSSR and PSSRU) in the UK, builds upon the ‘barriers to impact’ component of the EU Third Sector Impact (TSI) study led by the University of Kent. By combining data holdings at TSRC with results from the TSI […]
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