Keyword: social welfare

Characteristics of the Welfare Mix Model in Social Services in Croatia

This dissertation deals with the development of pluralism in social services and the specific role of non-profit organizations – public benefit corporations as social service providers. This paper uses welfare mix as a conceptual and theoretical framework. The paper highlights and problematizes the specific qualities of the common legacy of former socialist countries and the […]

TSI Stakeholder CEV hosting conference on volunteering in social welfare services

CEV is organising a major policy conference on “Volunteering in European Welfare & Social Services (VIEWSS)” in Turin, Italy from 2-3 October 2014. Background is the Policy Agenda for Volunteering in Europe (P.A.V.E), drafted during the European Year of Volunteering 2011, which submitted that “the crisis is forcing governments to re-assess the European Social Model” […]
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