Country: France

European Civic Forum

The European Civic Forum (ECF) is a transnational network that brings together over 100 associations and NGOs across 27 countries in Europe, actively working on issues such as citizenship education, defence of human rights and the advocacy of democracy. In order to rebuild the capacity of the European project to offer to citizens the frame […]

Réseau des collectivités territoriales pour une économie solidaire (RTES)

The Réseau des collectivités territoriales pour une économie solidaire (RTES) is a national network of 120 local public authorities . The aims of this network are: eductating elected officials in charge of local public policy in the field of social and solidarity economy; providing information and training to local public authorities in partnership with training […]

France Bénévolat

France Bénévolat (registered in France under the legal status of “Association Loi 1901″) was founded in 2003 by merging the activities of two older entities, Centre National du Volontariat and Planète Solidarité. Today, nearly all major national non-profit networks are partners of France Bénévolat. Its president is Dominique Thierry. France Bénévolat is the most important […]
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