Working papers

TSI Working Paper No 4: The Impact of Volunteering on Volunteers in 23 European Countries

Most of the evidence of the positive contribution of volunteering for the volunteers is based on established correlations between volunteering and measures of individual health, well-being or civic engagement. Confounding unobserved variables may lead to biased regression estimates. This paper explores the impact of volunteering on the self-reported health, the self-reported well-being, and the level […]

TSI Working Paper Series No. 3: “Third sector impacts on human resources and community: a critical review”

A new TSI Working Paper reviews the literature on third sector impact on human resources and community. The paper identifies several overarching issues that characterise the state of knowledge in the field of third sector impact studies: Third sector contributions are not equally accessible or spread. The effects of voluntary organizations on participation and group […]

TSI Working Paper Series No. 1: “Methodological Guideline For Impact Assessment”

TSI has published its first working paper on impact assessement, written by TSI researchers Ruth Simsa and Olivia Rauscher, and their colleagues Christan Schober and Clara Moder. It presents the results of a review of existing scientific literature as well as official reports and policy documents on  impact measurement methodologies and results. Furthermore, it includes […]
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