Event Details

Central Statistical Office
27 October 2016

Event Description

The event was held as part of international seminar “Getting statistical visibility for the growing importance of the Third / Social Economy Sector”, presenting TSI’s conclusions on size, scope and barriers for third sector development.

During the plenary part of the seminar the main participants were third sector stakeholders: representatives of the third sector organizations as well government officials and academics.

Dominik Rozkrut – the President of the Central Statistical Office (GUS) -in his opening address pointed out that producing a satellite account on third sector/civil society organizations is needed. Krzysztof Michałkiewicz – the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy – indicated the importance of the TSE for Polish public policies and administration and the crucial role played by public statistics in monitoring its functioning and trends of development. Professor Lester Salamon, Head of the TSI Conceptualization and Measurement Group and Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies presented the state of the art of methodological approaches to assembling official statistics of the Third/Social Economy Sector around the world. He noted that Poland is a leader in the development of systematic data on the third sector and in introducing the third sector/social economy conceptualization that the TSI Project has come up with.

Professor Ewa Leś presented the conclusions from the TSI research on the factors of growth and obstacles for the third sector in Poland.

Dr. Sławomir Nałęcz, Tomasz Sekuła, Dr. Piotr Łysoń from GUS gave a presentation of the Polish experience of taking a strategic approach to building an integrated system of the Third Sector data collection and analysis for various purposes and stakeholders, including monitoring of the National Program of Social Economy Development. The Plenary session was followed up with questions and comments from the audience and discussion with the panelists.

The third sector stakeholders and other participants of the seminar received copies of TSI publication by Leś, E., Nałęcz, S., Pieliński, B. titled “Factors of Growth and Obstacles for the Third Sector in Poland. Conclusions from the TSI Research”, published by Elipsa Publishers, Warsaw, 2016.