The very final agenda of the TSI European Stakeholder meeting in Brussels on Wednesday, 15 October 2014, is now online.

TSI researchers, third sector practitioners and European policy makers will spend a day discussing the third sector’s contribution to Europe’s socio-economic development, touching on topics like the value of non-profits, active citizenship and participative democracy, volunteering, social economy, the boundaries of the third sector concept, barriers and enhancing forces, and third sector impact measurement.

The meeting will be from 9 am to 3 pm at EESC – Building Jacques Delors – Room JDE 63, Rue Belliard 99 – 101, Brussels.

Attention, Registration will close on October 8th. Please contact Ksenija Fonovic at

We are very much looking forward to meeting with European third sector activists to get their insight and experiences on third sector impcat and barriers. We will keep you informormed about the meeting’s discussions and conclusions.