German TSI stakeholder Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (BBE) has announced that this year’s week of volunteering and civic engagement in Germany will be held from 11 – 20 September 2015.

This week of events in honor of the 23 million German volunteers was first organised in 2004. Citizens, initiatives, associations, foundations, and social enterprises participate under the motto “Engagement macht stark! (Volunteering makes us strong) in various events across the country, giving social and innovative projects and activities the public attention they deserve.

The goals of this annual celebration of volunteering are:

  • demonstrating the diversity of volunteering and citizen engagement
  • promoting the values of volunteering, i.e. furthering freedom and social responsibility
  • showing examples of how to volunteer in a simple and sustainable way
  • explaining structural conditions for volunteering, offering proposals for policy develoment
  • stimulating dialogue betwen different actors: citizens, policy-makers and entrepreneurs

This nation-wide initiative is supported by the German Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).

All information on past weeks of volunteering, background reading and updates under