Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN) is a network of 15 civil society development organizations from 10 countries and territories in South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania, Montenegro, Slovenia, Serbia and Turkey).

Our mission is to empower civil society in the region and to influence European and national policies towards a more enabling environment for civil society development in order to ensure sustainable and functioning democracies in the Balkans.

BCSDN’s activities are aimed towards

  1. Increasing the role of civil society by strengthening its voice in policy- and decision-making at national, regional and EU level;
  2. Promoting civil dialogue between the civil society actors, state institutions and the European Union in order to influence the public policies;
  3. Developing advocacy knowledge and skills among civil society actors as a base for greater impact;
  4. Strengthening communication, coordination and cooperation between the civil society actors in the Balkan region.

In relation to the TSI project, BCSDN is conducting an annual monitoring of the enabling environment for civil society developed via its own methodology – the Monitoring Matrix – and advocates for the development of relevant and sound policies and measures for development of the third sector in Enlargement countries.