Bundesdachverband für Soziale Unternehmen (Association of Social Enterprises Austria – bdv austria) is an association of social enterprises, which has served Austria nationwide as an umbrella organisation for more than 25 years. Altogether the network consists of 200 organisations, which provide work for about 35.000 persons each year. It functions as a network, for non-profit employment related and socially conscious organisations, enabling vital connections between local, national and European levels. Our members are the nine regional networks of social enterprises in Austria covering such fields as employment, advice/consultancy and training. All members of bdv austria are non-profit.

As an umbrella organisation for social enterprises bdv austria is lobbying for their interests in order to secure their future development and is providing public relations to raise the public awareness for social enterprises. At the same time it also serves as a network to exchange information and knowledge between social enterprises, their regional networks and the field of active labour market policy in general.

bdv austria is a strong partner in national and international networks in order to improve the awareness and conditions for social enterprises as well as the situation of the (long-term unemployed) people they employ.
