Cruz Roja (Spanish Red Cross) is part of the International Red Cross Movement, which is composed of three components, each of which has its own legal personality, play different but complementary functions:

  1. The International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC.
  2. The International Federation of National Societies of Red Cross and Red Crescent.
  3. The National Societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

The different parts of the movement are coordinated through three organs:

  • The International Conference, which meets every four years and is the highest deliberative body of the Red Cross, of which they are members, in addition, delegates from the states parties to the Geneva Conventions. Determines the fundamental policy issues of principle in the field of international humanitarian law and in regard to the organization and operations.
  • The Standing Committee is the body that prepares the Intentional Conference, in close cooperation with the headquarters of the National Society Conference. In the interval between conferences, the Standing Committee coordinates the work of the ICRC and the Federation.
  • The Council of Delegates is the body where representatives of all components of the Movement meet. It meets every two years and often have to decide questions of policy or any other matter of mutual interest to the Movement. As it regards the preparations for the International Conference presents proposals for the posts of president, vice-presidents and secretaries of the Conference decides the order in which they should be examined the issues and proposals submitted to it by the Conference or the Permanent Commission.