The Austrian Fundraising Association (Fundraising Verband Austria – FVA) functions as a service provider for the fundraising arm of NGOs, agencies, as well as non-profit consultants. Due to its almost 250 members the FVA became the biggest platform for fundraisers and non-profit organisations in Austria.

As a service and networking platform the FVA has established a sustainable and effective framework for professional fundraisers by offering widely recognised quality training opportunities. Since 2002 the FVA organises the „Fundraising College“ in close collaboration with WIFI Wien, which offers a thorough and varied basic training program.

Furthermore, the FVA focuses on enhancing the exchange of knowledge and expertise among fundraisers in Austria and Europe through networking events such as the annual Austrian Fundraising Congress, Donations Day, as well as various seminars and workshops.

The FVA pursues a very active and comprehensive public relations policy in order to improve the image and reputation of the fundraising profession significantly. The association’s own ethical code implies guidelines and ethical standards for a transparent, efficient and effective fundraising.