Plataforma del Tercer Sector (Third Sector Platform) is a state-wide nonprofit organization born in January 2012 with the intention to unite and amplify the voice of the third sector in Spain.
It was founded by seven organizations: NGO Platform for Social Action (POAs), Spain Volunteers Platform (PVE), European Network for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Spanish State (EAPN-ES), the Spanish Committee of Representatives People with Disabilities (CERMI), Spanish Caritas, Spanish Red Cross and the National Organization of the Blind (ONCE). It’s objective is to defend social justice and to promote equality.

More specifically the Plataforma del Tercer Sector
– Generates proposals for everyone, especially the most vulnerable;
– Deepen the internal cohesion of associations in Spain;
– Encourages citizen participation and volunteering;
– Ensures social dialogue with public administrations;
– Promotes improvements in the third sector;
– Works towards trengthening the role of organizations operating in the local and regional level;
–  Support and proposes policies at European, national and regional level, to promote equality of all citizens.