The Réseau des collectivités territoriales pour une économie solidaire (RTES) is a national network of 120 local public authorities . The aims of this network are:

  • eductating elected officials in charge of local public policy in the field of social and solidarity economy;
  • providing information and training to local public authorities in partnership with training organisations.
  • Lobbying for public policy on social and solidarity economy on local, national and European levels, with partners like REVES, Eurocities or RIPESS

In our engagement we are really satisfied when we see other cities implementing a public policy in the field of social and solidarity economy or cities whose mayor changes but does not stop public policy in the field of social and solidarity policy (as we saw after the 2014 municipal elections in France). If we suceed in making better private and public partnerships for the coproduction of this public policy, it will be a good way to make this policy more resilient.

This is how we achieved change:

  • joint training with private bodies on  social and solidarity economy
  • dealing with other public authorities (State, other non gouvernemental organisations of local public authorities as Association des régions de France, Association des départements de France or Association des Maires de France) to promote public statements for social and solidarity economy and good partnerships with private NGO
  • enforcing laws and regulations on this field

Conatct person: Jacques Dughera