Partner Description

The Institute for Social Policy (ISP) at the University of Zagreb provides interdisciplinary approach in teaching, research and consultancy. ISP has a long experience of cooperation with relevant national and local stakeholders and also cooperation with colleagues from the region, Europe and USA. Through education, action oriented research and publications, ISP influences public policies and provides usable knowledge for public policy making related to the role of civil society and third sector.

From 1990 onwards, ISP has developed social policy as an academic discipline in Croatia and made recognisable impact in the region of South East Europe, separately through Croatian Journal of Social Policy. The visible part of that academic discipline is the civil society as the new research topic and teaching academic programme. In education ISP organised the first post-graduate and PhD programmes on social policy in Croatia. Topics of civil society/ third sector in social policy are integral part of the programmes.

Role in Third Sector Impact

  • Main responsibility: Elaboration and testing of impact indicators; external and internal barriers to third sector development.
  • Additional responsibility: Conceptual integration of findings; stakeholder engagement; dissemination of results.