The Dutch Council for Refugees (VluchtelingenWerk Nederland) is an independent, non-governmental organization that defends the rights of refugees. With more than 6.000 volunteers and 500 paid employees we offer refugees practical support during their asylum procedure and their integration in the Dutch society. In addition, we provide members of the Parliament with information concerning refugee issues and policy and we carry an active lobby for refugee rights. Another important part of our work is to supply information and advice to asylum lawyers. We also develop various projects to promote the integration of refugees in the Netherlands. Furthermore, we are committed to increasing public support for refugees.

With one National Office and 12 regional offices we are active in 80% of all local council districts. The National Office supports the regional and local branches with advice, education, and information.

The Dutch Council for Refugees, wanting the best for refugees not only in the Netherlands but also in other countries, aims to share its knowledge and experience with NGOs in other countries, particularly the countries at the external borders of the EU.