Volunteers’ Centre Zagreb (VCZ) is a civil society organisation dedicated to development and promotion of volunteering from 1996. VCZ’s mission is to act as a resource centre encouraging personal and social development through mediation, education and promotion of volunteering on local and international level. VCZ’s vision is a society which recognises volunteering as a driving force for creation of an active, responsible and humane community.

Since 2009, part of its activities have been extended to the central Croatian region taking the role of regional volunteer center within the Croatian network of volunteer centers, which we co-founded. The activities of local, regional and international character are organized through five major program areas:

(1) Informing citizens and organizations about volunteering and mediation in supply and demand for volunteer work,
(2) Education, counselling and empowerment of volunteer organizers and volunteers,
(3) Advocacy networking and partnerships,
(4) Promotion of the value of volunteering,
(5) The organization of local and international volunteer activities.

VCZ is recognized as a central place to find information about opportunities for volunteering, ways to get involved and the benefits that volunteering brings to the citizens, what is evident from the data that 10,590 volunteer profile are reported in the VCZ database (March 2014).

In 2001, the Croatian Government (Office for NGOs) has awarded VCZ for the promotion and development of volunteering in Croatia.
