Antonella Noya is Senior Policy Analyst and Manager of the OECD/LEED Forum on Social Innovation at the OECD (Paris).

She does international Policy analysis and assessment in various policy areas including: the role of non-profit sector, social economy and social enterprises in economic development; the role of culture in local development; asset-building for low-income people; social innovation; social exclusion; community capacity building; corporate social responsibility towards local communities, women entrepreneurship and social impact measurement.

She has authored and edited several OECD publications in those fields. In particular, she is the co-author of the OECD publication, Social Enterprises and co-editor of the CAS (Centre d’Analyse Strategique) and OECD publication on L’entreprenariat social en France. Reflexions et bonnes pratiques”( June 2013)

Antonella is a member of the French consultative committee on social impact investments and of the Italian consultative committee on social entrepreneurship. She represents OECD at the United Nation Inter- Agency task force on Social and Solidarity Economy.

Relevant Publications

  • OECD (2013), Policy Brief on Social Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurial activities in Europe, EU Commission/OECD, Luxemburg, Publication Office of the European Union

The Policy brief provides an overview of the main elements of a conducive ecosystem for social enterprises, illustrate some practices and suggest Policy actions to set up effective Policy frameworks for social enterprises

  • Noya, A. (ed.) (2010) Social entrepreneurship and social innovation. In: SMEs, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, OECD

This book explores how government policy can boost innovation by improving the environment for entrepreneurship and small firm development and increasing the innovative capacities of enterprises. Policy findings and recommendations are presented in three key areas: embedding firms in knowledge flows; developing entrepreneurship skills; and social entrepreneurship.

  • Noya, A. (ed.) (2009), The Changing Boundaries of Social Enterprises, OECD, Paris

Ten years after the first OECD publication on Social Enterprises (OECD (1999), Social entreprises, OECD, Paris,Social entreprises) this publication presents the most interesting development in the field.Novel frontiers for social enterprises are opening up, requiring that they be fully equipped to deal with fresh challenges. This book contains recommendations for national and local policy makers and presents a set of international best practices.

  • OECD (2003), The Non-profit Sector in a Changing Economy, OECD Publishing, Paris

The non-profit sector. This publication offers a comprehensive and ground-breaking assessment of the new trends in the field of non-profit sector studies. Drawing on contributions from international leading experts and academics, it reviews the most significant non-profit sector developments in EU countries, the United States, Canada, Mexico and Australia. It also provides a comparative and detailed examination of the tools and methods used to finance, monitor and evaluate this sector of social and economic activity

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