Keyword: Impact

Webinar “Measuring the Impact of the Third Sector” on 2 February 2016

Ksenija Fonovic, Vicedirector of TSI partner SPES, is holding a Webinar titled “Measuring the Impact of the Third Sector: Concept, metrics, statistics, data. Developments to consider in advocacy work”, oranised for the staff of TSI stakeholder organisation Balkan Civil Society Development Network on 2 February, 2016, 9.30-11 am. This is the programme: 1. Information as […]

TSI Working Paper No. 8: “Unemployment, volunteering, subjective well-being and mental health”

As the risks associated with growing labour market deregulation and flexibilisation are increasingly shifted towards individuals, an increasing number of people are likely to experience unemployment, which can result in declining mental health and well-being. This paper asks whether voluntary work can reduce the negative effects of unemployment on well-being. Drawing on Latent Deprivation Theory, […]

TSI Working Paper no. 6: “Meta-Analysis of SROI Studies – Indicators and Proxies”

A new Working Paper by the TSI team at Business University of Vienna in Austria explores how existing SROI (Social Return on Investment) analyses can be applied to the assessment of impact indicators proposed by the TSI Impact group. This five dimensions are (1) well-being and quality of life, (2) innovation, (3) civic engagement, empowerment, […]

TSI Working Paper No. 7: “Community-level impacts of the third sector”

It is often assumed that the density of third sector organizations provides opportunities that are beneficial for engagement in volunteering, social cohesion, and social capital. By sophisticated multi-level modelling and after controlling for relevant individual and area characteristics in data from the UK, this paper concludes that the “foot-print” of third sector organizations does not […]

TSI Working Paper No 5: “Measuring the Impact of the Third Sector: From Concept to Metrics”

This working paper clarifies the meanings of the concepts of civil society, public sphere and third sector in the light of TSI’s work on a conceptualization of the third sector in Europe. First, the paper surveys the genealogy and different meanings of the concept of civil society and introduces the idea of a differentiated “civil […]

TSI Working Paper No 4: The Impact of Volunteering on Volunteers in 23 European Countries

Most of the evidence of the positive contribution of volunteering for the volunteers is based on established correlations between volunteering and measures of individual health, well-being or civic engagement. Confounding unobserved variables may lead to biased regression estimates. This paper explores the impact of volunteering on the self-reported health, the self-reported well-being, and the level […]

TSI Working Paper Series No. 3: “Third sector impacts on human resources and community: a critical review”

A new TSI Working Paper reviews the literature on third sector impact on human resources and community. The paper identifies several overarching issues that characterise the state of knowledge in the field of third sector impact studies: Third sector contributions are not equally accessible or spread. The effects of voluntary organizations on participation and group […]
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