In order to implement the roadmap formulated at the NGO Forum in Riga on 2-3 March 2015 there are a number of activities and opportunities that invite stakeholder participation. Here the follow-up activities in full detail:

Better civil dialogue on a national level
As you are the actors who know the situation at your country better than anyone, please help to implement the Roadmap (including the suggestions for next steps and the annexes) at national level! In the meantime, the organisers will do their best to support your work from the EU level, in the following ways:

European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and its CSO Liaison Group
The EESC plays an important role in supporting and disseminating the Roadmap.

  • Discussion on follow up activities in the next EESC Liaison group meeting 17 March and distribution of it via the Liaison Group Newsletter.
  • Presentation to the Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship is scheduled for 23 March
  • Civil Society Day in June 2015 (date to be specified) is planned to focus on the Roadmap and its implementation. Leading EU Institution representatives will be invited.
  • The Roadmap has been sent to the key Members of the EESC (President, Presidents of the Groups, relevant Section presidents, who will, in turn, be able to distibute it via their contacts and networks.
  • The Roadmap has been uploaded to the EESC site.

European Parliament
Work with committed MEPs in ensuring the best possible synergies of the Roadmap with EP opinions such as the own initiative Report on Improving of the Functioning of the EU, building on the Lisbon Treaty potential (rapporteur Ms Bresso and Mr Brok) as well as other activities of the EP and its political groups.

European Commission
Meetings envisaged by the organisers:

  • EC Unit since February in charge for Civil Dialogue
  • EC Vice Presidents V. Dombrovskis staff to discuss the implementation of the Roadmap
  • Exchange with the members of the Structural dialogue group in the European Commission
  • Work towards the inclusion of Roadmap related issues in the EC work programme 2016.

European Council
Close cooperation by the organisers with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia in the distribution of the Roadmap and idealy to link it with Council Conclusions.

Civil society organisations
Civil society organisations and their committment plays a key role in a successful implementation of the Roadmap. Best possible cooperation and support for the above mentioned is warmly welcome!

The Liason Group welcomes your feedback on ideas and possibilities for the circulation of the Roadmap and contributing to its implementation on national and/or EU level!