The TSI meeting with Dutch third sector stakeholders in Utrecht on October 24th was convened by Taco Brandsen and Ulla Pape of Radboud University Nijmegen. The objective of this first national stakeholder meeting in the Netherlands was to discuss the current state of the third sector, discover existing barriers and opportunities for third sector development and thereby identify the most promising research areas for the Dutch study of the Third Sector Impact project.

Areas of discussion were

(1) new forms of volunteerism,

(2) the changing policy environment regarding the future of the welfare state which in this country is discussed under the header “participation society” (“participatiesamenleving”),

(3) the issue of advocacy and joint identity of third sector organisations in the Netherlands. These three main issue areas formed the basis for the discussion during the first TSI stakeholder meeting in the Netherlands.

Read the detailed report in our events section.