Ksenija Fonović is the Vicedirector of SPES since 2004 and has led all SPES European work since 2003.
Ksenija also works as a civil society expert for ISTAT in view of the implementation of the ILO Manual Volunteering Module (2013) and expert on European volunteering, youth and CSR policies for the Ministry of labour and social policy. She is founding member and board director of „Lipa“, promoting South East European women immigrants. She is a competent organiser of international events and initiatives, a practitioner that uses research and innovative practices of the third sector for policy development. Western Balkans civil society is her particular area of expertise.
Relevant Publications
- Renzo Razzano, Ksenija Fonović (eds.) Volunteering across Europe. Organisations, promotion, participation.
Research project led by SPES in collaboration with volunteer support centres and research institutes gathered available data on the third sector, its definitions and values, legal framework and in-depth studies on volunteering support centres and on mechanisms for the support and promotion of volunteering. Country reports (2004-2011) published in English and in Italian provide an overview of the volunteering landscape, infrastructure and trends in 27 European Union countries.
European Volunteer Measurement Project, EVMP (2011-2012)
Launched during the 2011 European Year of Volunteering, the European Volunteer Measurement Project is a collaboration between SPES, the European Volunteer Centre (CEV) and the authors of the ILO Manual on the Measurement of Volunteer Work – Johns Hopkins University Center for Civil Society Studies led by Prof. Lester Salamon. The project organised information and training events for third sector organisations and for statistical institutes. Policy measures for improving the measurement of volunteering were promoted on European Union level and first European implementations supported.
Role: Member of the core coordinating team.
Misurazione del valore economico e sociale del lavoro volontario, MESV (2013-2014)
(Measurement of the economic and social value of voluntary work)
Collaboration between ISTAT – the Italian National Institute of Statistics, CSVnet – the Italian National Coordination of Volunteer Support Centres and FVP – Fondazione Volontariato e Partecipazione, an Italian third sector research foundation, for the first implementation in 2013 of the ILO Manual Volunteering Module in the ISTAT social survey “Aspects of everyday life”.
Role: Member of the scientific coordinating team.
VALUE – Volunteering and Life-long Learning in Universities in Europe (2008-2011)
EU co-funded Grundtvig Multilateral Network coordinated by the University of Liverpool united 20 partners, university centres for life-long learning and volunteer centres, to share experiences of cross-sectoral collaboration and to explore potential for developing new learning opportunities for volunteers. A resource base was developed and four themes analysed: Employability, Citizenship, Intercultural Dialogue and Older Volunteer Learners.
Role: Member of the Management Team and Coordinator of the Subgroup on Citizenship.
Think Future, Volunteer Together (2007-2009)
Co-funded by the EU – Directorate General Employment Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities within the ENEA Preparatory Action for active ageing and senior mobility. Coordinated by SPES in partnership with CEV, national volunteer centres of Slovenia (Slovenska Filantropija), Slovakia (CARDO), Hungary (Önkentes Kozpont Alapitvany – ÖKA) and Romania (Pro Vobis), the Italian national federations for senior volunteering (AUSER, ANTEAS and ADA) and the Municipality of Rome, the project organised exchanges of 100 senior volunteers from 5 countries and produced the “Practical and Policy Recommendations for the Promotion of Senior Volunteering through International Exchanges”.
Role: Project Manager