Teresa Savall Morera is a young researcher in the Research Institute on Social Economy (IUDESCOOP) of the University of Valencia. She has a pre-doctoral fellowship from the Spanish Government, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.

She has a Degree in Economics from the University of Valencia, for which she won the Extraordinary End of Studies prize. She received a Master degree in Social Economy from University of Valencia. She is working on her PhD in the official program on Social Economy (cooperatives and non-profit) at the University of Valencia.

Relevant Publications

  • SAVALL, T. (2013): “Análisis de la participación de la economía social en el diálogo social”, Revista Vasca de Economía Social, nº 9, pp. 111-141.

The aim of this study is to examine the role of the social economy in the process of public policy making, both from a theoretical and from an empirical view. First, it provides a theoretical framework that integrates the most relevant theoretical contributions related to the analysis of the public policy process, as well as those theoretical approaches that justify sector participation in the policy making process. The empirical study presents the case of the “Comunidad Valenciana”, which discusses the degree of participation of the social economy agents in Valencian social dialogue.

  • CHAVES, R. y SAVALL, T. (2013): “La insuficiencia de las políticas de fomento de cooperativas y sociedades laborales frente a la crisis en España”, REVESCO, Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, nº113, pp. 61-91.

This article examines policies to foster cooperatives and labour companies during this time of crisis, identifying the main existing and new tools of governments, assessing their scope and evaluating their effectiveness. It identifies three policy groups: traditional promotion policies, new policies (including those devised by the regional governments and the new social economy law) and austerity policies.


Social entrepreneurship for the employment crisis and welfare state, IUDESCOOP (2013-2015)
In the present circumstances, we have an employment and credit crisis. There are also social changes in families that make sustainability of public services difficult. It not only happens in Spain. In this context, the aim of this project is to research the potential of firms belonging to social economy, going into detail about firms which focus on policies to create employment and welfare state.

La Economía Social en las políticas públicas. Perspectiva de política económica, IUDESCOOP (2009-2011)
The Social Economy (SE) is a third sector in economies, it is instrumental in regulating social innovation and social and economic imbalances, such as employment and the provision of social services. From this perspective, increase the space given to the social sector in the policies of governments is a logical choice if we want to get higher levels of welfare. First we make a compilation and analysis of policies Social Economy. The assets subject to the policies of Social Economy and degrees of involvement of the social economy in the process of developing these policies are analysed from a multilevel perspective comparative (national, regional and international). The effectiveness of social economy policies will be evaluated, addressing both the specific instruments such as the models constructed effect. Finally we develop a set of policy tools with recommendations for political and social agents.