Country: Poland

TSI Policy Brief on Polish third sector policy

The years of post-communist transition in Poland opened a new chapter in the history of the Polish third sector. Poland’s transition to market democracy revived the third sector and stimulated an upsurge in its formation. Therefore, to properly analyse relations between the government and third sector organizations (which in Poland cover non profit organizations, part […]

Ogólnopolski Związek Rewizyjny Spółdzielni Socjalnych

Ogólnopolski Związek Rewizyjny Spółdzielni Socjalnych (Polish Social Cooperatives Auditing Association) was established in 2007 to promote the social cooperative business model in Poland on behalf of its 135 members across all business sectors. Its main goals are the promotion and support of ideas of social cooperatives, activities for social and job reintegration, guarantee of help […]

Polskie Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Osób z Upośledzeniem Umysłowym

Polskie Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Osób z Upośledzeniem Umysłowym (Polish Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability) is a continuation of activities undertaken by the parents of children with profound intellectual disabilities who, stranded in their efforts and devoid of any assistance from the communist state, started the Committee of Aid to Children with Special Needs at […]
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