TSI Policy Brief No. 10: Supporting the third sector in Spain
The Spanish third sector is composed of a large variety of organisations and enterprises highly dependent on macro transformations in societal needs, public policies and internal trends. Its heterogeneity is a challenge for building umbrella
organizations, common identity, specialized studies/data and strategies. Since 2008, a deep crisis has affected Spain and its third sector that can be divided in four related sub-crises (for more deatils refer to the TSI report on barriers in Spain)
According to TSI research the major key barriers identified in Spain are:
- Funding problems, especially, the lack of public funding and of private individual contributions;
- Problems regarding labour, such as difficulties in recruiting employees, the low employees’ salaries, and difficulties in recruiting volunteers;
- Governance problems, i.e. difficulties appointing volunteer board members;
- Image problems, due to limited public awareness of the TS;
- Legal and fiscal barriers: lack of a favourable tax treatment and the lack of a clear legal status;
- Increasing bureaucracy;
- The lack of support organizations.
This policy brief outlines the barriers and the possible policy responses to strengthen the sector in Spain.