European Civil Society Day on 16 June, 2015
Civil Society Day is an annual event designed to highlight the contributions by civil society organisations to the building of a European Union which is more in tune with citizens’ aspirations. In times of economic crisis and austerity it appears even more crucial to enhance civil society involvement in a strategic way. The new Commission in office offers a fresh chance to develop a real civil dialogue to improve legislation at European level and respond better to citizen’s needs, a promise enshrined in Articles 11(1) and 11(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union that civil society networks say has not been fulfilled by previous commissions.
This year’s Civil Society Day on June 16th is titled “Civil dialogue: a tool for better legislation in the general interest” and aims at setting up principles and guidelines for a permanent and structured civil dialogue at European level, based on the Road Map that was adopted at the NGO Forum in Riga in March 2015.
Civil Society Day is meant to showcase cooperation between the EESC and the members of the CSO Liaison Group representing European civil society organisations and networks, including several TSI stakeholder organisations. It provides a forum for dialogue on issues that matter to civil society stakeholders at European level. It also allows asserting their role in fostering greater involvement by civil society in the European project at all levels, and thus in increasing the democratic legitimacy of EU action and institutions, as an adjunct to representative democracy.
The Event will be held in Brussels, hosted by the EESC. Online registration will be open between 7 May and 10 June 2015. Follow #CSDay2015